Leading the industry in model ballooning, we inspire aviators of all experience levels every day worldwide.
We specialize in the production of scale model hot air balloons that range in size from 3 - 22 feet tall.
Our business has been the only producer of radio controlled hot air balloons in the United States for over 25 years. Modelballoon is at the forefront of design and concept in the field. We specialize in custom designed gondolas, burner systems, and balloon envelopes. All Modelballoon products are built for safety and with the most advanced technology available.
We offer two types of balloon systems; hot air and cold air.
The hot air balloons are powered by a real liquid propane burner and cold air balloons are fan-powered.
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Flying an R.C. Model Balloon is the ultimate in being able to fly a balloon without a pilot's license. Our sole intention is the inspiration of aviation through ballooning.